Athletes & Mental Health-

The great basketball writer Jackie MacMullan recently stood at the front of a hotel ballroom in Tampa taking questions after collecting a career achievement award from the Association for Women in Sports Media. I was in the audience that day. Initially, the questions focused on her early days in basketball as a reporter. But then someone brought up a […]

Calmigo for Stress—Product Review

Calmigo is the friend who squeezes your hand and tells you to inhale and exhale… If you’re researching this product, then you, or someone you love, suffers from anxiety. I know this looks different across the board– some people sweat, heartbeats go into overdrive, the world feels like its pressing down. In the midst of […]

Smiling Depression

People who suffer from Smiling Depression can appear well-adjusted, presentable, professionally successful and apparently happy. They’re not, and they need help to feel better about life, including themselves. Smiling depression is a deceiving in that it implies happiness though it’s absent from the person’s mindset. It isolates those that experience it, making it more difficult […]

Mentally Strong People Do These 5 Things

1. They focus on their own agenda. By this I don’t mean you should be insubordinate or consider your bosses agenda as irrelevant. This is about not just plodding along, mindlessly working in your life, but being mindful to work on your life. The mentally strongest know what they want to accomplish, set concrete goals of personal significance, and […]

If You Want to Stop Drinking

Check this out. Craig Beck’s youtube videos offer a way for “problem-drinkers” to get rid of the habit forever. His method is unlike any we’ve looked at and his short presentations are interesting. (by the way, does the woman above appear blurry to you?) Beck states, “I believe that if you routinely drink a highly […]

Surviving the War but not the Homecoming

The cost of war in Iraq and Afghanistan: $6.4 trillion spent, more than 7,000 service members killed, and tens of thousands more wounded. But as engagements around the world continue, the cost of war in human life increases every day here at home. Mental health struggles have become a “significant public health problem” amongst veterans […]

US Navy Punished Suicidal Sailor Who Sought Help

Michael Gregg sounded eerily quiet on their October phone call, his mother said. On that evening, he spoke words she never expected to hear. “He said ‘Mama, I almost committed suicide. I worked the night shift and I almost jumped off the boat,’” Michael Gregg had never been stationed on a Navy ship before and one […]

Child Sex-Trafficking is the Fastest Growing Crime in the World

If you believe you’re a victim of sex trafficking or know someone who is and need immediate help please dial (888) 373-7888 and the National Human Trafficking Resource Center will find you local assistance. Or you can text “HELP” or “INFO” to the number 233733 for discreet help.

What is PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that may occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, a serious accident, a terrorist act, war/combat, or rape or who have been threatened with death, sexual violence or serious injury. (American Psychiatric Association) Sometimes we experience something so […]

Prevent Teen Suicide—Mayo Clinic Video

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. In this video, teens describe common signs that a teen is considering suicide and provide encouragement for communicating directly and immediately for support and safety. Prevent Teen Suicide—Mayo Clinic