My Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet

Psilocybin can cure depression. In 1965 my father flew helicopter missions in Viet Nam while the rest of the family battened down in Ft. Rucker, Alabama. Five army brats out swam venomous water moccasins, lost sneakers in the red clay and learned to say, ya’ll. But we were foreigners. When mom asked our black maid, Annie, […]

The Frontiers of Psychedelic Medicine

The following is Dr. Samoon Ahmad‘s interview with Dr. Stephen Ross regarding the mental health benefits of Psilocybin. SAMOON AHMAD To start, could you give me a little bit of an overview about what drew you to psilocybin?  Was there a particular study or anecdotal story that really drove this interest in psilocybin? Dr. Stephen […]

And if You Go Chasing…

My Psychedelic Trip Out of Depression Approximately 70 percent of people who try ketamine for depression say they respond to it. I’m one of them. July 4, 2020 by Courtenay Harris Bond Before I started ketamine infusions this spring, I was milling around my house, unhinged, ducking into my bedroom to weep behind the closed […]